« Success is not a luxury, but an ideal that pushes us to go beyond our limits »
Lassiney Kathann CAMARARanked amongst the best law firms in West Africa, both in Counselling and Litigation, CLKA advocated since its beginning for an upright practice and a creative vision of the lawyer profession. Far from the clichés, the firm strongly believes in the emergence of a talented, innovative and successful Ivory Coast, in the image of CLKA’s founder, Lawyer Lassiney Kathann Camara.
Ivory Coast is THE Hub, the gateway to West Africa. Francophone Africa’s first economy (without the Maghreb) in terms of GDP, Ivory Coast has become the economic heavy-weight of the continent. It enjoys a strong growth (8,5% in 2016) and a diverse economy which keeps on attracting more investors. In order to enlighten their choices and investment strategies, CLKA offers an overview of the core economic and regulatory principles to be aware of.
The end of the world was loudly trumpeted. Meanwhile, at CLKA, we have worked and decided during our annual seminar of strategic planning to take even more into account your expectations.
Lassiney Camara