The website and all of its content, including but not limited to, the website architecture, publications, photos, articles, information, texts, videos, images, logos (hereinafter ‘Content’), doing business, are protected by applicable intellectual proprety laws and are the exclusive property of CLKA.
Any temporary or permanent copying, reproduction, representation, display, broadcasting, publishing, transmission or distribution of the Content on this website is strictly prohibited.
It is also prohibited to create derivative works from the contents of this site, to modify, adapt, arrange in full or in part the contents of the site
The user commits not to reuse the contents of the site, whether it be in full or in part, without ackowledging CLKA as its source.
According to the Agreement of the 24th of February 1999, revising the Agreement of Bangui of the 2nd of March 1997 creating an African Organisation for Intellectual Proprety, any representation or reproduction in full or in part or by any means available, which has not been expressly authorized, would be unlawful and would constitute a counterfeit penalised by the Penal Code and the Agreement of Bangui.
Eliott & Markus
Eliott & Markus