The present website, accessible via the URL (hereinafter « The site ») is edited by the law firm CLKA, established as a private professional company of lawyers which headquarter is located at the following adress :
Abidjan Cocody – Deux Plateaux, Côte d’Ivoire
Rue J 61 Concession SIDECI – VILLA ATHENA
Phone number : (+225) 22 52 52 25 – Fax : (+225) 22 52 53 25
Email :
Taxpayer account number : 1004123N
The publishing director of this website is : Lassiney-Kathann CAMARA
Headquarters : 14455 N Hayden Rd Ste 226, Scottsdale, AZ 85260.
In accordance with the law n°2013-450 of the 19th of June 2013 regarding personal data protection, CLKA informs you that it processes personal data. CLKA commits to respect the confidentiality of the personal data collected.
You are entitled to request details of the information we hold about you, to have it rectified or deleted. In order to file any of these requests, please write to the following email : with a proof of your identity.
The only personal data likely to be collected via the website and processed by CLKA (hereinafter « data ») are those conveyed through the forms on the website and via the emails sent to the email adresses displayed on the site, as well as the IP adresses relating to its Internet connection.
Data are for the use of authorised CLKA’s members, for administrative management purposes mainly and are not given nor leased, whether or not in return for payment.
Data relating to CLKA’s members, that are made available on the website shall not be collected nor processed without the express and prior consent of the person concerned.
The information collected on individuals through the contact forms shall not be disclosed to other persons than the members of CLKA. However as required by the n°2013-450 law of the 19th of June 2013 relative to personal data protection, we inform you that your answers are optional and that the lack of answers will not bring about any particular consequences.
Nonetheless your answers must be sufficient in order for us to process information.
By sending an email to CLKA via the link or by accessing and/or using the website, each person declares and ensures that he or she acquainted themselves beforehand with the legal notices and rules applicable to personal data protection, as well as with the terms of use and that he or she accepts those terms and conditions without reservations, amendments nor restrictions.
The website and all of its content, including but not limited to, texts, articles, newsletters, press releases, pictures, photographs, doing business, Code of Conduct, presentations, etc (hereinafter ‘Content’), doing business, are the exclusive property of, or licensed by, CLKA.
Any reproduction, representation, admendement, traduction or adaptation, in full or in part of this website or any of its content, without the express and prior consent of CLKA, is prohibited and would constitute a counterfeit, penalized by the Penal Code and the agreement of the 24th of February 1999, revising the Agreement of Bangui of the 2nd of March 1997 creating an African Organisation for Intellectual Proprety.
As an exception to the above, CLKA grants the website’s users a license to download newsletters or other documents specifically identified as downloadable materials. In that case, users may only keep a copy of such file for a strictly personal use.